Daniel's Symbols, Signs, and Phrases

Description Meaning Additional Comments Location
Head of Gold Nebuchadnezzar/ Babylonian Empire Kings and kingdoms are synonymous in prophecy Daniel 2:38
Arms & Chest of Silver Medo-Persia Daniel 2:39
Belly & Thighs of Bronze Greece Daniel 2:39
Legs of Iron Rome Pagan Rome Daniel 2:40
Clay Papacy Daniel 2:41
Ten Toes of Iron and Clay Kings of the East allied with Europe and the Papacy in the last days See ten horns for more information Daniel 2:41-43
Stone cut out without hands The reign of the world's final kingdom Christ Christ's is the world's final king Daniel 2:44-45
Great sea People, multitudes, nations, and tongues See Revelation 17:15 Daniel 7:2
Lion with eagles wings Babylon Daniel 7
Bear raised up on one side Medo-Persia Daniel 7:5
Three ribs in bears mouth Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon Daniel 7:5
Leopard with four heads Greece Four heads represent divided Rome Daniel 7:6
Terrible Beast Pagan Rome Daniel 7:7
Ten Horns Kings of Pagan and Papal Rome Kings of 1)Egypt, 2)Assyria, 3)Babylon, 4)Media, 5)Persia, 6)Alexander the Great, 7)Macedonia, 8)Seleucia, 9)Ptolemaic Egypt, and 10)Asia Minor Daniel 7:7
Little Horn Kings of Pagan and Papal Rome Prophecy transitions to kings Daniel 7:8
Ram with two horns Kings of Media and Persia Daniel 8:3-4
He goat with notable horn Alexander the Great Daniel 8:5
Four notable horns Kings of Asia Minor, Ptolemaic Egypt, Seleucia, and Macedonia Daniel 8:8
Four winds of heaven North, South, East, and West Daniel 8:8
Little Horn Kings of Pagan and Papal Rome Daniel 8:9
Pleasant Land The Perogatives of God Land was supplied by the translators, thus the word is Pleasant or Glorious. The Papacy is the power that waxed towards the Glory that only belongs to God. Daniel 8:9
The Host and Stars The Covenant and Teachings of the New Testament Church Comparing with Revelation 12:1, the Host represents the Covenant, and the stars the Church. Daniel 8:10
...More to come

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