Tory St.Cyr

Tory St.Cyr

The Path Story

prophecy is still being revealed to god's people

Tory St.Cyr is a Seventh-day Adventist Christian who is dedicated to ministering to others through God's Word.

As a husband to Gina St.Cyr and a father to Joshua and Jonathan St.Cyr, Tory believes that even though God comes first, family is the highest priority after Him.

As a student of Bible prophecy, one of Tory's favorite pastimes is studying the books of Daniel and Revelation.

This love of prophecy has led him to preach sermons, write plays, and author books on the subject.

In 2019, Tory was working on a prophecy presentation for his church in Orlando FL. As he was putting the presentation together, he decided that a particular prophecy within Revelation should be a part of the session.

However, when he read the traditional Adventist interpretation of this prophecy, he felt impressed that God was leading him to search the Word for a different understanding. 

After three months of studying, praying, and fasting, God gave Tory the understanding that he prayed for. And it was then he realized that there's a big difference between reading books and studying the Book. He realized that for most of his life, he had been reading what others had written on prophecy, but he had never studied prophecy for himself. It was this epiphany that led him to start examining many of the traditional Adventist positions on Daniel and Revelation. And the more he studied, the more God revealed. And the more God revealed, the more it became apparent that this truth must be shared with others. Please understand that Tory is not trying to present new light, he is simply exposing the light that was always there.

The purpose of The Adventist Watchman's ministry is not to question or change the Seventh-day Adventist Church's doctrines or pillars of belief. This is not a ministry of critique but a ministry of examination. And once you see these truths that are being revealed to His people, it is Tory's hope that you will realize Christ is speaking to you in these last days saying, "If you hear my voice harden not your heart."

The St.Cyr



Even though most of my time is spent as "The Watchman," I know that family is my first ministry. When I am not working on articles, videos, or Bible studies, I'm spending time with my beautiful wife and our two handsome sons. We like travelling, exercising, tennis, and eating. explo

re any of our recorded services (or stop by to see in person) to see Path's values and approach for yourself.

The St.Cyr



Even though most of my time is spent as "The Watchman," I know that family is my first ministry. When I am not working on articles, videos, or Bible studies, I'm spending time with my beautiful wife and our two handsome sons. We like travelling, exercising, tennis, and eating. explo

re any of our recorded services (or stop by to see in person) to see Path's values and approach for yourself.

The St.Cyr



Even though most of my time is spent as "The Watchman," I know that family is my first ministry. When I am not working on articles, videos, or Bible studies, I'm spending time with my beautiful wife and our two handsome sons. We like travelling, exercising, tennis, and eating. explo

re any of our recorded services (or stop by to see in person) to see Path's values and approach for yourself.

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