Revelation's Symbols, Signs, and Phrases

Description Meaning Additional Comments Location
The Woman God's people Israel in the Old Covenant, and the Church in the New Covenant Revelation 12:1
Sun New Covenant Revelation 12:1
Moon Old Covenant Revelation 12:1
Twelve Stars Twelve Tribes of Israel under the Old Covenant, 12 Apostles of the New Covenant Pagan Rome Revelation 12:1
Great red Dragon Satan Also represents Pagan Rome and to a wider degree- Paganism/Spiritualism Revelation 12:3
Stars of heaven Angels Revelation 12:4
1260 days 1260 years of persecution beginning in 538 AD and ending in 1798 AD Revelation 12:6
Michael Christ prior to His incarnation Revelation 12:7
Wings of an eagle Wings often represent quickness and may symbolize the haste in which the church had to flee persecution Revelation 12:14
Time, and times, and half a time Another form of 1260 days Revelation 12:14
Flood Persecution If the sea represents peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues, then a flood represents a violent overflowing of people Revelation 12:15
Earth The United States of America The persecuted church fled Europe into America Revelation 12:16
Remnant of her seed Those left remaining who maintain their faithfulness to God Revelation 12:17
Commandments of God The moral law Revelation 12:17
The Testimony of Jesus Christ According to Revelation 19:10, this represents the spirit of prophecy The Remnant of the last days will understand Bible prophecy Revelation 12:17
Sea Peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues See Rev 17:15 Revelation 13:1
Beast Papal Rome Beasts referred to those world ruling empires that Satan used to persecute God's people Revelation 13:1
Seven Heads The governments of the world's ruling Empires The governments of 1)Egypt, 2)Assyria, 3)Babylon 4)Medo-Persia, 5)Greece, 6)Pagan Rome, 7)Papal Hierarchy Revelation 13:1
Ten Horns Kings of the East Likely a union of nations consisting of the territories that that were once world powers prior to the Roman Empire. Revelation 13:1
Likeness of a Leopard Like Greece Dreadful and terrible Revelation 13:2
Feet as a Bear Like Medo-Persia Stamped the residue with the feet of it Revelation 13:2
Mouth of Lion Like Babylon Had great iron teeth Revelation 13:2
Wounded Head Papal Hierarchy Revelation 13:3
Forty and two months 1260 years 538 AD - 1798 AD Revelation 13:5
Beast with two horns like a lamb The United States of America Also known as the False Prophet Revelation 13:11
Image to the Beast Replica of the Papal Roman Empire Revelation 13:14-15
666 The number of the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet aligned under Babylon Revelation 13:18
...more to come

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