EllEn White: Clergy are worse than heathen?


Ellen White makes the following statement:

"The greatest prejudice of the Jewish nation of priests and rulers was stirred up against Christ because the people preferred to listen to Jesus rather than to them. The very same feelings of prejudice will be manifest in the priests and rulers of this time. We can do nothing that would close up the way before us in this country like taking a position of superiority and putting before the people that we consider them heathen. In truth they are worse than heathen, but this we are not to tell them. The clergy consider themselves as teachers, highly religious, and their churches send out missionaries to the work of converting the savages; but to have the implication that a similar work must be done for them they would consider the worst kind of insult." Ms 28, 1885

Was Ellen White suggesting that the Clergy were worse than heathen?

In the above quotation Ellen White was writing a letter in which she was referring to an American Adventist who was doing missionary work in Europe. According to Ellen White, he appeared to be "extolling himself" or trying to uplift himself. He made it seem that Americans were better than Europeans. Ellen White wrote it was not wise to take a position of superiority as it would create prejudice and would make his witness even more difficult. However, in making a comparison to the priests and rulers in Jesus' time, she referred to the European clergy as "worse than heathen." Although many may take offense to this, before we accuse Ellen White of using slander against non-believers, let's first understand what heathen means. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, "Heathen is a dated term used primarily of someone who is not religious, or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity."

So the word heathen essentially means non-believer in the three Abrahamic religions. However, remember she said WORSE than Heathen. Why would she say that and what did she mean? I believe the last part of her statement is the key to understanding. Here's what she says: "The clergy consider themselves as teachers, highly religious, and their churches send out missionaries to the work of converting the savages; but to have the implication that a similar work must be done for them they would consider the worst kind of insult."

Ellen White appeared to use the "worse than heathen" phrase when it came to believers who had the light of the truth, but failed to live up to that light. Notice how she used this concept in other places:

The whole Jewish nation seemed to be affected by the mission of John. The threatenings of God on account of their sins, repeated by the prophet, for a time alarmed them. John knew that they cherished the idea that, because they were of the seed of Abraham, they were securely established in the favor of God, while their course of action was abhorred of him. Their conduct was, in many respects, even worse than that of the heathen nations to whom they felt so much superior. 2SP 50

How God bore with the Jewish nation while they were murmuring and rebellious, breaking the Sabbath and every other precept of the law! He repeatedly declared them worse than the heathen. PH154 16

John declared to the teachers of Israel that their pride, selfishness, and cruelty showed them to be a deadly curse to the people. In view of the light they had received from God, they were even worse than the heathen. HLv 63

Reading the three excerpts above, it should become evident that Ellen White often used this expression to describe God's people who knew the truth yet chose to live contrary to it. Thus, the rationale behind Ellen White's usage of the of the "worse than heathen" phrase in the highlighted excerpt should also become clear.

Ellen White realized that it's harder to witness to someone who doesn't believe they need to be witnessed to. If I am a heathen, and I am doing all types of wickedness, you can show me that my works are the works of darkness from God's Word; and if I am as sincere, through the power of the Holy Spirit, I will be able to see that my works are contrary to His Word. However, someone who believes they are already saved and in a position of authority is in a worse spot to be witnessed to BECAUSE of their position as an "authority." In essence, it's easier to show someone who doesn't know God that they need God. However, it's that much harder to show someone they need God, whose role is to show others that they need God.

It would be like me telling a judge that they don't know the law. They are supposed to be an authority of the law so it's harder for them to accept they are wrong in what they are supposed to be an "expert" in.

So in essence, Ellen White isn't saying that the clergy and church members are worse than Heathen because of their practices, but they are worse because it will be harder to save people who believe they are already saved.

Ellen White makes the following statement:

Ellen White makes the following statement:

"The greatest prejudice of the Jewish nation of priests and rulers was stirred up against Christ because the people preferred to listen to Jesus rather than to them. The very same feelings of prejudice will be manifest in the priests and rulers of this time. We can do nothing that would close up the way before us in this country like taking a position of superiority and putting before the people that we consider them heathen. In truth they are worse than heathen, but this we are not to tell them. The clergy consider themselves as teachers, highly religious, and their churches send out missionaries to the work of converting the savages; but to have the implication that a similar work must be done for them they would consider the worst kind of insult." Ms 28, 1885

"The greatest prejudice of the Jewish nation of priests and rulers was stirred up against Christ because the people preferred to listen to Jesus rather than to them. The very same feelings of prejudice will be manifest in the priests and rulers of this time. We can do nothing that would close up the way before us in this country like taking a position of superiority and putting before the people that we consider them heathen. In truth they are worse than heathen, but this we are not to tell them. The clergy consider themselves as teachers, highly religious, and their churches send out missionaries to the work of converting the savages; but to have the implication that a similar work must be done for them they would consider the worst kind of insult." Ms 28, 1885

Was Ellen White suggesting that the Clergy were worse than heathen?

In the above quotation Ellen White was writing a letter in which she was referring to an American Adventist who was doing missionary work in Europe. According to Ellen White, he appeared to be "extolling himself" or trying to uplift himself. He made it seem that Americans were better than Europeans. Ellen White wrote it was not wise to take a position of superiority as it would create prejudice and would make his witness even more difficult. However, in making a comparison to the priests and rulers in Jesus' time, she referred to the European clergy as "worse than heathen." Although many may take offense to this, before we accuse Ellen White of using slander against non-believers, let's first understand what heathen means. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, "Heathen is a dated term used primarily of someone who is not religious, or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity."

So the word heathen essentially means non-believer in the three Abrahamic religions. However, remember she said WORSE than Heathen. Why would she say that and what did she mean? I believe the last part of her statement is the key to understanding. Here's what she says: "The clergy consider themselves as teachers, highly religious, and their churches send out missionaries to the work of converting the savages; but to have the implication that a similar work must be done for them they would consider the worst kind of insult."

Ellen White appeared to use the "worse than heathen" phrase when it came to believers who had the light of the truth, but failed to live up to that light. Notice how she used this concept in other places:

The whole Jewish nation seemed to be affected by the mission of John. The threatenings of God on account of their sins, repeated by the prophet, for a time alarmed them. John knew that they cherished the idea that, because they were of the seed of Abraham, they were securely established in the favor of God, while their course of action was abhorred of him. Their conduct was, in many respects, even worse than that of the heathen nations to whom they felt so much superior. 2SP 50

How God bore with the Jewish nation while they were murmuring and rebellious, breaking the Sabbath and every other precept of the law! He repeatedly declared them worse than the heathen. PH154 16

John declared to the teachers of Israel that their pride, selfishness, and cruelty showed them to be a deadly curse to the people. In view of the light they had received from God, they were even worse than the heathen. HLv 63

Reading the three excerpts above, it should become evident that Ellen White often used this expression to describe God's people who knew the truth yet chose to live contrary to it. Thus, the rationale behind Ellen White's usage of the of the "worse than heathen" phrase in the highlighted excerpt should also become clear.

Ellen White realized that it's harder to witness to someone who doesn't believe they need to be witnessed to. If I am a heathen, and I am doing all types of wickedness, you can show me that my works are the works of darkness from God's Word; and if I am as sincere, through the power of the Holy Spirit, I will be able to see that my works are contrary to His Word. However, someone who believes they are already saved and in a position of authority is in a worse spot to be witnessed to BECAUSE of their position as an "authority." In essence, it's easier to show someone who doesn't know God that they need God. However, it's that much harder to show someone they need God, whose role is to show others that they need God.

It would be like me telling a judge that they don't know the law. They are supposed to be an authority of the law so it's harder for them to accept they are wrong in what they are supposed to be an "expert" in.

Was Ellen White suggesting that the Clergy were worse than heathen?

In the above quotation Ellen White was writing a letter in which she was referring to an American Adventist who was doing missionary work in Europe. According to Ellen White, he appeared to be "extolling himself" or trying to uplift himself. He made it seem that Americans were better than Europeans. Ellen White wrote it was not wise to take a position of superiority as it would create prejudice and would make his witness even more difficult. However, in making a comparison to the priests and rulers in Jesus' time, she referred to the European clergy as "worse than heathen." Although many may take offense to this, before we accuse Ellen White of using slander against non-believers, let's first understand what heathen means. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, "Heathen is a dated term used primarily of someone who is not religious, or whose religion is not Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity."

So the word heathen essentially means non-believer in the three Abrahamic religions. However, remember she said WORSE than Heathen. Why would she say that and what did she mean? I believe the last part of her statement is the key to understanding. Here's what she says: "The clergy consider themselves as teachers, highly religious, and their churches send out missionaries to the work of converting the savages; but to have the implication that a similar work must be done for them they would consider the worst kind of insult."

Ellen White appeared to use the "worse than heathen" phrase when it came to believers who had the light of the truth, but failed to live up to that light. Notice how she used this concept in other places:

The whole Jewish nation seemed to be affected by the mission of John. The threatenings of God on account of their sins, repeated by the prophet, for a time alarmed them. John knew that they cherished the idea that, because they were of the seed of Abraham, they were securely established in the favor of God, while their course of action was abhorred of him. Their conduct was, in many respects, even worse than that of the heathen nations to whom they felt so much superior. 2SP 50

How God bore with the Jewish nation while they were murmuring and rebellious, breaking the Sabbath and every other precept of the law! He repeatedly declared them worse than the heathen. PH154 16

John declared to the teachers of Israel that their pride, selfishness, and cruelty showed them to be a deadly curse to the people. In view of the light they had received from God, they were even worse than the heathen. HLv 63

Reading the three excerpts above, it should become evident that Ellen White often used this expression to describe God's people who knew the truth yet chose to live contrary to it. Thus, the rationale behind Ellen White's usage of the of the "worse than heathen" phrase in the highlighted excerpt should also become clear.

Ellen White realized that it's harder to witness to someone who doesn't believe they need to be witnessed to. If I am a heathen, and I am doing all types of wickedness, you can show me that my works are the works of darkness from God's Word; and if I am as sincere, through the power of the Holy Spirit, I will be able to see that my works are contrary to His Word. However, someone who believes they are already saved and in a position of authority is in a worse spot to be witnessed to BECAUSE of their position as an "authority." In essence, it's easier to show someone who doesn't know God that they need God. However, it's that much harder to show someone they need God, whose role is to show others that they need God.

It would be like me telling a judge that they don't know the law. They are supposed to be an authority of the law so it's harder for them to accept they are wrong in what they are supposed to be an "expert" in.

So in essence, Ellen White isn't saying that the clergy and church members are worse than Heathen because of their practices, but they are worse because it will be harder to save people who believe they are already saved.

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