Tory St.Cyr

Tory St.Cyr

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Jesus, our High Priest

The Seventh-day Adventist view of the Sanctuary is unique from all other churches.

When we look at the Jewish Sanctuary, we understand that this structure was more than just a representation of the Heavenly Sanctuary; it was more than just a place where God forgave sins. The Jewish Sanctuary service was a visual revelation of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. It was a life-size model of how God's plan of salvation is rendered. However, we must never forget that at the center of this Sanctuary was Jesus Christ.

When John the Baptist saw Jesus, he recognized the Messiah's connection to the sanctuary saying, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29

The problem was that most of Israel didn't understand who Jesus was. Even his disciples didn't make the connection between the sacrifice and the Messiah.

Regarding this missed connection, Ellen White says, "The Jews knew not God, nor Jesus Christ, whom He had sent. They had lost the truths presented to them by both patriarchs and prophets, and did not recognize Christ, in whom dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Was it not strange that the only people who claimed to be the chosen people of God were in such darkness by departing from God that they did not recognize the Prince of life, who was the foundation of their system of worship, the very one who was symbolized by their sacrificial offerings? Well may we see the force of the words of Christ, “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me.” BEcho December 3, 1894

Just like the Jews misunderstood Jesus as the sacrificial lamb, many Christians today misunderstand Christ as our heavenly High Priest. However, the Bible is clear on Jesus' role in the heavens.

Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. Hebrews 4:14

Many call Christ their High Priest, but what does this really mean?  In this study, we will learn about the Sanctuary and the One who is there interceding for us; Let's learn about Jesus, our High Priest. 



Everything you need to know about the sanctuary

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Everything you need to know about the sanctuary

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The Sanctuary

Everything you need to know about the sanctuary

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