The Bible Reveals the true meaning of 666


At this point, you should be acquainted with the three rules that are needed to understand the meaning of 666. In this article, we will utilize all three rules to reveal the meaning of this number.

Revelation 13 says, "Here is WISDOM. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18

Most people reading this text see a few key words: Some focus on the "number of the beast," others focus on the "number of a man," and almost everyone focuses on the number "Six hundred threescore and six" phrase. However, what if I told you that these were not the most important parts of the text? You see, what God revealed to me is that I had been focusing on the wrong part of this text the whole time. The most important part of Revelation 13:18 is the phrase—"Here is wisdom."

Now notice Revelation 17 uses a similar phrase:

And here is the mind which hath WISDOM. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come…” Revelation 17:9-10

Now, I want you to ask yourself a question. If there are seven kings, and five are already fallen, what numbered king would be ruling? The SIXTH KING! And according to the historical record, John lived during Pagan Rome, the sixth king!

At this point, you should be acquainted with the three rules that are needed to understand the meaning of 666. In this article, we will utilize all three rules to reveal the meaning of this number.

Revelation 13 says, "Here is WISDOM. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18

Most people reading this text see a few key words: Some focus on the "number of the beast," others focus on the "number of a man," and almost everyone focuses on the number "Six hundred threescore and six" phrase. However, what if I told you that these were not the most important parts of the text? You see, what God revealed to me is that I had been focusing on the wrong part of this text the whole time. The most important part of Revelation 13:18 is the phrase—"Here is wisdom."

Now notice Revelation 17 uses a similar phrase:

And here is the mind which hath WISDOM. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come…” Revelation 17:9-10

Now, I want you to ask yourself a question. If there are seven kings, and five are already fallen, what numbered king would be ruling? The SIXTH KING! And according to the historical record, John lived during Pagan Rome, the sixth king!

At this point, you should be acquainted with the three rules that are needed to understand the meaning of 666. In this article, we will utilize all three rules to reveal the meaning of this number.

Revelation 13 says, "Here is WISDOM. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18

Most people reading this text see a few key words: Some focus on the "number of the beast," others focus on the "number of a man," and almost everyone focuses on the number "Six hundred threescore and six" phrase. However, what if I told you that these were not the most important parts of the text? You see, what God revealed to me is that I had been focusing on the wrong part of this text the whole time. The most important part of Revelation 13:18 is the phrase—"Here is wisdom."

Now notice Revelation 17 uses a similar phrase:

And here is the mind which hath WISDOM. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come…” Revelation 17:9-10

Now, I want you to ask yourself a question. If there are seven kings, and five are already fallen, what numbered king would be ruling? The SIXTH KING! And according to the historical record, John lived during Pagan Rome, the sixth king!

The sixth king

Remember our third rule? The rule states that Revelation 17 provides context for parts of Revelation 12 and 13. As a student of Bible prophecy, it is imperative that you see Revelation 17:9-10 provides context for Revelation 13:18.

  • Revelation 13:18 says Here is WISDOM then refers to the number 666.
  • Revelation 17:9-10 says Here is the mind which has WISDOM and reveals the 6th king was ruling.

This is not a coincidence. Revelation 17 is telling us exactly what 666 means, but you aren't seeing it. Don't worry, I didn't see it either until God revealed it to me. However, what you are about to see is that the meaning of 666 is right here in front of your eyes.

Revelation 17:10 says, "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."

Now, remember in our earlier studies, we revealed the Seven Heads were the governments of the following nations:

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon

4. Medo-Persia

5. Greece

6. Pagan Rome

7. Papal Rome

Five Fallen

From this list, we can see that the "five fallen" were the nations from Egypt to Greece, which at that time had all been conquered or destroyed.

The one "IS"

John revealed that one "is." The "is," no doubt, refers to the Pagan Roman Empire, which was ruling at the time John wrote The Revelation.

The "Not Yet Come"

We also know that the power that would rise after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was the Papal Roman Empire. Now, a question that may arise is how can it be said the Papacy ruled for a "short space" when it ruled for 1260 years? This can easily be answered once we see the short space as a period IN time rather than a period OF time. In other words, the short space is a dispensation or an era. We know this because after the Dragon crucified Christ and began persecuting the early church, the text then says,

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

Once we understand that this short time resulted in the Papacy, we can begin to understand that the Papacy is the power that continues with Satan for the "short space" of Revelation 17. In essence, the Papacy was established after Satan realized he had a short time and this dispensation continues all the way until the end of the world.

Another question that may arise is, how can we still be in the dispensation of the Papacy when the Papacy fell in 1798? What you must understand is that even though the Papacy fell in 1798, another power would arise and revive the Papacy, giving it the ability to continue the short space that Satan has remaining.

Revelation 13:15 says, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

Traditional Adventist theology teaches a revival of the Papacy. However, they are under the impression that this revival will result in the Pope sitting on a throne and ruling as he did in the Dark Ages. This is incorrect. What we must understand is that the Papacy continues ruling through the United States, not independent of it. In essence, when the United States enacts the Mark of the Beast, this is how Rome is revived and its power continues. And I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that historically the Papacy used the armies of other nations while still sitting on the throne, why would the armies of America be any different? The difference is that even when the Papacy was using the armies of other nations, prophecy would still attribute its actions to the Papacy. We see this in Revelation 13:7 - "And it was given unto him [the Papacy] to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

However, under the dispensation of the United States, we should take notice that the Papacy is no longer the main actor:

And he [the False Prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheadsRevelation 13:16

Thus we confirm, even though the Papacy is revived, the United States is the nation that is metaphorically sitting upon the throne and it is the power that causes the world to wonder after the Papacy through legislation.

Knowing the relationship between the United States and the Papacy, we can now see why John revealed the United States as the eighth power. Notice how he describes it:

"And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition." Revelation 17:11

The King James translators believed the eighth was part of the first seven, but this is a mistranslation. The EIGHTH head is part of the SEVENTH head. In essence, because the United States revives the Papacy, then prophetically, the United States is part of the Papacy.

A Three-Part Union

Once we understand this concept, we should be able to understand that the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet represent the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth powers.

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon

4. Medo-Persia

5. Greece

6. Pagan Rome

7. Papal Rome

8. United States of America

Now, notice how Ellen White describes these three powers:

"Both heathen and papists were actuated by the same dragon spirit. They differed only in that the Romish apostate, making a pretense of serving God, was the more dangerous and cruel foe. Through the agency of Romanism., Satan took the world captive. The professed church of God was swept into the ranks of this delusion, and for more than a thousand years the true people of God suffered under the dragon's ire. At the time when the Papacy, robbed of its strength, was forced to desist from persecution, John beheld a new power coming up to echo the dragon's voice..." Signs of the Times Feb 8, 1910

Notice Ellen White declares the 6th, 7th, and 8th powers either echoed the Dragon's voice or were actuated by the Dragon's spirit. Why does she say this? Because the Dragon is infused in all three phases.

Remember, the Dragon represents Paganism, but numerically it also represents the 6th head! Now, when that 6th power fell, the Papacy, as the 7th power rose in its place as a Beast from the sea. However, according to Revelation 13, the Papacy received its power, seat, and great authority from the Dragon—the 6th power. Then in the 11th verse of this same chapter, we see another Beast rise from the earth and we understand that this is the 8th power, which is the False Prophet or False Protestantism. But the Scriptures then reveal that this eighth power spoke as Dragon—the 6th power.

Thus the reason Ellen White says the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet are the same family is because, in reality, the Dragon continued living through the Beast, and then continues through the False Prophet. So even though, we know it's Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, in reality, its Dragon, Dragon, and Dragon.

If these three powers are part of the same family, then the 6th, 7th, and 8th powers are prophetically the 6th 6th and 6th powers. In essence, 666 reveals that the same dragon who revolted in heaven and came to earth crucifying Christ was the same spirit that was in the Papacy, which thought to change times and law, and that same spirit will be manifested in the United States of America in the last days.

Now do you see why this doctrine is so important? 666 is not the number of the Pope, it's the number of Babylon; and Babylon represents Paganism, Catholicism, and False Protestantism.


Remember our third rule? The rule states that Revelation 17 provides context for parts of Revelation 12 and 13. As a student of Bible prophecy, it is imperative that you see Revelation 17:9-10 provides context for Revelation 13:18.

  • Revelation 13:18 says Here is WISDOM then refers to the number 666.
  • Revelation 17:9-10 says Here is the mind which has WISDOM and reveals the 6th king was ruling.

This is not a coincidence. Revelation 17 is telling us exactly what 666 means, but you aren't seeing it. Don't worry, I didn't see it either until God revealed it to me. However, what you are about to see is that the meaning of 666 is right here in front of your eyes.

Revelation 17:10 says, "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."

Now, remember in our earlier studies, we revealed the Seven Heads were the governments of the following nations:

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon

4. Medo-Persia

5. Greece

6. Pagan Rome

7. Papal Rome

Five Fallen

From this list, we can see that the "five fallen" were the nations from Egypt to Greece, which at that time had all been conquered or destroyed.

The one "IS"

John revealed that one "is." The "is," no doubt, refers to the Pagan Roman Empire, which was ruling at the time John wrote The Revelation.

The "Not Yet Come"

We also know that the power that would rise after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was the Papal Roman Empire. Now, a question that may arise is how can it be said the Papacy ruled for a "short space" when it ruled for 1260 years? This can easily be answered once we see the short space as a period IN time rather than a period OF time. In other words, the short space is a dispensation or an era. We know this because after the Dragon crucified Christ and began persecuting the early church, the text then says,

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

Once we understand that this short time resulted in the Papacy, we can begin to understand that the Papacy is the power that continues with Satan for the "short space" of Revelation 17. In essence, the Papacy was established after Satan realized he had a short time and this dispensation continues all the way until the end of the world.

Another question that may arise is, how can we still be in the dispensation of the Papacy when the Papacy fell in 1798? What you must understand is that even though the Papacy fell in 1798, another power would arise and revive the Papacy, giving it the ability to continue the short space that Satan has remaining.

Revelation 13:15 says, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

Traditional Adventist theology teaches a revival of the Papacy. However, they are under the impression that this revival will result in the Pope sitting on a throne and ruling as he did in the Dark Ages. This is incorrect. What we must understand is that the Papacy continues ruling through the United States, not independent of it. In essence, when the United States enacts the Mark of the Beast, this is how Rome is revived and its power continues. And I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that historically the Papacy used the armies of other nations while still sitting on the throne, why would the armies of America be any different? The difference is that even when the Papacy was using the armies of other nations, prophecy would still attribute its actions to the Papacy. We see this in Revelation 13:7 - "And it was given unto him [the Papacy] to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

However, under the dispensation of the United States, we should take notice that the Papacy is no longer the main actor:

And he [the False Prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheadsRevelation 13:16

Thus we confirm, even though the Papacy is revived, the United States is the nation that is metaphorically sitting upon the throne and it is the power that causes the world to wonder after the Papacy through legislation.

Knowing the relationship between the United States and the Papacy, we can now see why John revealed the United States as the eighth power. Notice how he describes it:

"And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition." Revelation 17:11

The King James translators believed the eighth was part of the first seven, but this is a mistranslation. The EIGHTH head is part of the SEVENTH head. In essence, because the United States revives the Papacy, then prophetically, the United States is part of the Papacy.

A Three-Part Union

Once we understand this concept, we should be able to understand that the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet represent the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth powers.

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon

4. Medo-Persia

5. Greece

6. Pagan Rome

7. Papal Rome

8. United States of America

Now, notice how Ellen White describes these three powers:

"Both heathen and papists were actuated by the same dragon spirit. They differed only in that the Romish apostate, making a pretense of serving God, was the more dangerous and cruel foe. Through the agency of Romanism., Satan took the world captive. The professed church of God was swept into the ranks of this delusion, and for more than a thousand years the true people of God suffered under the dragon's ire. At the time when the Papacy, robbed of its strength, was forced to desist from persecution, John beheld a new power coming up to echo the dragon's voice..." Signs of the Times Feb 8, 1910

Notice Ellen White declares the 6th, 7th, and 8th powers either echoed the Dragon's voice or were actuated by the Dragon's spirit. Why does she say this? Because the Dragon is infused in all three phases.

Remember, the Dragon represents Paganism, but numerically it also represents the 6th head! Now, when that 6th power fell, the Papacy, as the 7th power rose in its place as a Beast from the sea. However, according to Revelation 13, the Papacy received its power, seat, and great authority from the Dragon—the 6th power. Then in the 11th verse of this same chapter, we see another Beast rise from the earth and we understand that this is the 8th power, which is the False Prophet or False Protestantism. But the Scriptures then reveal that this eighth power spoke as Dragon—the 6th power.

Thus the reason Ellen White says the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet are the same family is because, in reality, the Dragon continued living through the Beast, and then continues through the False Prophet. So even though, we know it's Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, in reality, its Dragon, Dragon, and Dragon.

If these three powers are part of the same family, then the 6th, 7th, and 8th powers are prophetically the 6th 6th and 6th powers. In essence, 666 reveals that the same dragon who revolted in heaven and came to earth crucifying Christ was the same spirit that was in the Papacy, which thought to change times and law, and that same spirit will be manifested in the United States of America in the last days.

Now do you see why this doctrine is so important? 666 is not the number of the Pope, it's the number of Babylon; and Babylon represents Paganism, Catholicism, and False Protestantism.


Remember our third rule? The rule states that Revelation 17 provides context for parts of Revelation 12 and 13. As a student of Bible prophecy, it is imperative that you see Revelation 17:9-10 provides context for Revelation 13:18.

  • Revelation 13:18 says Here is WISDOM then refers to the number 666.
  • Revelation 17:9-10 says Here is the mind which has WISDOM and reveals the 6th king was ruling.

This is not a coincidence. Revelation 17 is telling us exactly what 666 means, but you aren't seeing it. Don't worry, I didn't see it either until God revealed it to me. However, what you are about to see is that the meaning of 666 is right here in front of your eyes.

Revelation 17:10 says, "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."

Now, remember in our earlier studies, we revealed the Seven Heads were the governments of the following nations:

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon

4. Medo-Persia

5. Greece

6. Pagan Rome

7. Papal Rome

Five Fallen

From this list, we can see that the "five fallen" were the nations from Egypt to Greece, which at that time had all been conquered or destroyed.

The one "IS"

John revealed that one "is." The "is," no doubt, refers to the Pagan Roman Empire, which was ruling at the time John wrote The Revelation.

The "Not Yet Come"

We also know that the power that would rise after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was the Papal Roman Empire. Now, a question that may arise is how can it be said the Papacy ruled for a "short space" when it ruled for 1260 years? This can easily be answered once we see the short space as a period IN time rather than a period OF time. In other words, the short space is a dispensation or an era. We know this because after the Dragon crucified Christ and began persecuting the early church, the text then says,

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

Once we understand that this short time resulted in the Papacy, we can begin to understand that the Papacy is the power that continues with Satan for the "short space" of Revelation 17. In essence, the Papacy was established after Satan realized he had a short time and this dispensation continues all the way until the end of the world.

Another question that may arise is, how can we still be in the dispensation of the Papacy when the Papacy fell in 1798? What you must understand is that even though the Papacy fell in 1798, another power would arise and revive the Papacy, giving it the ability to continue the short space that Satan has remaining.

Revelation 13:15 says, "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

Traditional Adventist theology teaches a revival of the Papacy. However, they are under the impression that this revival will result in the Pope sitting on a throne and ruling as he did in the Dark Ages. This is incorrect. What we must understand is that the Papacy continues ruling through the United States, not independent of it. In essence, when the United States enacts the Mark of the Beast, this is how Rome is revived and its power continues. And I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that historically the Papacy used the armies of other nations while still sitting on the throne, why would the armies of America be any different? The difference is that even when the Papacy was using the armies of other nations, prophecy would still attribute its actions to the Papacy. We see this in Revelation 13:7 - "And it was given unto him [the Papacy] to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

However, under the dispensation of the United States, we should take notice that the Papacy is no longer the main actor:

And he [the False Prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheadsRevelation 13:16

Thus we confirm, even though the Papacy is revived, the United States is the nation that is metaphorically sitting upon the throne and it is the power that causes the world to wonder after the Papacy through legislation.

Knowing the relationship between the United States and the Papacy, we can now see why John revealed the United States as the eighth power. Notice how he describes it:

"And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition." Revelation 17:11

The King James translators believed the eighth was part of the first seven, but this is a mistranslation. The EIGHTH head is part of the SEVENTH head. In essence, because the United States revives the Papacy, then prophetically, the United States is part of the Papacy.

A Three-Part Union

Once we understand this concept, we should be able to understand that the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet represent the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth powers.

1. Egypt

2. Assyria

3. Babylon

4. Medo-Persia

5. Greece

6. Pagan Rome

7. Papal Rome

8. United States of America

Now, notice how Ellen White describes these three powers:

"Both heathen and papists were actuated by the same dragon spirit. They differed only in that the Romish apostate, making a pretense of serving God, was the more dangerous and cruel foe. Through the agency of Romanism., Satan took the world captive. The professed church of God was swept into the ranks of this delusion, and for more than a thousand years the true people of God suffered under the dragon's ire. At the time when the Papacy, robbed of its strength, was forced to desist from persecution, John beheld a new power coming up to echo the dragon's voice..." Signs of the Times Feb 8, 1910

Notice Ellen White declares the 6th, 7th, and 8th powers either echoed the Dragon or were actuated by the Dragon. Why does she say this? Because the Dragon is infused in all three phases.

Remember, the Dragon represents Paganism, but numerically it also represents the 6th head! Now, when that 6th power fell, the Papacy, as the 7th power rose in its place as a Beast from the sea. However, according to Revelation 13, the Papacy received its power, seat, and great authority from the Dragon—the 6th power. Then in the 11th verse of this same chapter, we see another Beast rise from the earth and we understand that this is the 8th power, which is the False Prophet or False Protestantism. But the Scriptures then reveal that this eighth power spoke as Dragon—the 6th power.

Thus the reason Ellen White says the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet are the same family is because, in reality, the Dragon continued living through the Beast, and then continues through the False Prophet. So even though, we know it's Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, in reality, its Dragon, Dragon, and Dragon.

If these three powers are part of the same family, then the 6th, 7th, and 8th powers are prophetically the 6th 6th and 6th powers. In essence, 666 reveals that the same dragon who revolted in heaven and came to earth crucifying Christ was the same spirit that was in the Papacy, which thought to change times and law, and that same spirit will be manifested in the United States of America in the last days.

Now do you see why this doctrine is so important? 666 is not the number of the Pope, it's the number of Babylon; and Babylon represents Paganism, Catholicism, and False Protestantism.

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