One of the most prominent components of Daniel 8 is the symbol of the Little Horn. For centuries, believers have discussed and debated the identity of this symbol however, even today, there doesn't seem to be a consensus on the identity of the ominous symbol. This lack of consensus reveals that we need to create a prophetic profile of the Little Horn.
In order to decipher the identity of a symbol in Bible prophecy, I often create, what I call, a prophetic profile. A prophetic profile takes note of all the criteria of any given symbol in the Bible in order to decipher its identity. In simple terms, a prophetic profile is a checklist of all the details of a symbol according to the Scriptures. It is my belief that in order to determine who the Little Horn is, we must create a prophetic profile for this symbol. If whomever we originally identified as the Little Horn fails to match in every point except for one, we still must eliminate that individual or system from the checklist. If we are fortunate, we will be left with only one possible match to our list, and we can confidently proclaim that individual/system as the Little Horn. With that being said, let's begin our list.
1. Came out of one of the horns or winds [vs. 9]
2. Arose after Greece divided into 4 kingdoms [vs. 9]
3. Waxed exceedingly great [vs. 9]
4. Went toward the south, the east, and the Pleasant Land [vs. 9]
5. Waxed great even to the host of heaven. [vs. 10]
6. Cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground and stamped on them. [vs. 10]
7. Magnified himself to the Prince of the host [vs. 11]
8. Took away the daily sacrifice and cast down the place of "his" sanctuary [vs. 11]
9. Received a host against the daily sacrifice [vs. 12]
10. Through transgression cast truth to the ground [vs. 12]
11. Troddened the sanctuary and the host for 2300 days [vs. 13]
12. Events of the (2300 evening-morning) vision occur at the time of the end [vs. 17]
13. The Little Horn arises in the latter time of the 4 horns when transgressors are full [vs. 23]
14. Shall be known as a king of fierce countenance, and one who understands dark sentences. [vs. 23]
15. Power is mighty but not by his own power [vs. 24]
16. Destroy the mighty and holy people, and magnify himself [vs. 24-25]
17. Broken without hand [vs. 25]
The above list is raw. In other words, we must determine what the list is actually saying before we begin matching it to historical or future events. At this moment, we are simply looking at the criteria provided in Daniel 8 and creating our checklist from that. Now that we have a list, we will begin configuring the list in our next few studies.