Daniel 11:41 describes a crucial event: "He shall enter also into the glorious land." While we have traditionally interpreted “he” as referring to the Papal power, I have advocated that this power actually refers to the United States as the military power of the Papacy.
Recent developments have occurred after the election of President Trump whereby we can see the possibility of why the United States would need to enter the land of Israel militarily.
While it is hard to know if Donald Trump is serious or not, we can see a pretext for American military involvement in Israel if these plans are carried out In order to remove Gazans from the Land of Israel, Trump could possibly use this as a pretext to send military troops into the region.
The verse continues to mention that "Edom, Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon" (modern-day Jordan) will escape. It is also interesting that Jordan was the ruler who met with President Trump to discuss Gaza. Could this meeting be the reason why Jordan escapes the incursion that occurs in the Middle East?
We may be witnessing the initial stages of Daniel 11:41. It is amazing to see the potentiality of prophetic events unfolding in our time, particularly concerning American involvement in the Middle East. However, our relationship with Christ is more important than war. Prophecy tells us where we are in history, but where we are is not as important as whose we are.
Daniel 11:41 describes a crucial event: "He shall enter also into the glorious land." While we have traditionally interpreted “he” as referring to the Papal power, I have advocated that this power actually refers to the United States as the military power of the Papacy.
Recent developments have occurred after the election of President Trump whereby we can see the possibility of why the United States would need to enter the land of Israel militarily.
While it is hard to know if Donald Trump is serious or not, we can see a pretext for American military involvement in Israel if these plans are carried out In order to remove Gazans from the Land of Israel, Trump could possibly use this as a pretext to send military troops into the region.
The verse continues to mention that "Edom, Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon" (modern-day Jordan) will escape. It is also interesting that Jordan was the ruler who met with President Trump to discuss Gaza. Could this meeting be the reason why Jordan escapes the incursion that occurs in the Middle East?
We may be witnessing the initial stages of Daniel 11:41. It is amazing to see the potentiality of prophetic events unfolding in our time, particularly concerning American involvement in the Middle East.
However, our relationship with Christ is more important than war. Prophecy tells us where we are in history, but where we are is not as important as whose we are.